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The George Henry White
Memorial Health & Education Center
Recent Events
GHW Websites
2000 Meals Delivered!
Every month, a hardy group of volunteers meet up at the George Henry White Center to assemble hot and nourishing meals for sick or infirm...

GHW Websites
Media Space Ready!
The unfinished attic of the George Henry White Center has been newly renovated to create a space for media production. This is, once...

GHW Websites
Start your own Business!
A new course to learn the steps to start your own business will be held at the George Henry White Center. The Ice House Entrepreneurial...

GHW Websites
A Power-full Teacher
Don Reaves is teaching the Basics of Electricity course at the George Henry White Center; but he has done much more. This Wilmington...

GHW Websites
GHW Center gets Preservation Award
The Gertrude S. Carraway Award of Merit was presented to Vincent Spaulding, Project leader, on behalf of the George Henry White Memorial...

GHW Websites
A Wealth of Health
Nearly two hundred visitors gathered at the George Henry White Center on Saturday, Sept. 16 for the second "Fall into Health Fair." ...

GHW Websites
Lighting Lives
After a grueling 88 hours of intensive learning and hands-on skill development, eleven local residents graduated from the first class of...

GHW Websites
Tax Break info for landowners
On Tuesday, July 18, more than 35 people gathered to learn about tax opportunities and the application process for property owners, at...
GHW Websites
Ivey Schofield visited the George Henry White Center and published an article about the Landowners Lunch and Learn Program, enabled by a...

GHW Websites
Save Grassland, Gain Income
Some 45 people were on hand for the Landowners Lunch and Learn event on Wednesday, May 17. Guest speakers from the USDA Farm Service...
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