A one-day Video Boot Camp for Grassroots Organizations is being offered through Resourceful Communities for those serious about learning production skills for community use. Oral history projects, messaging video work or other projects can be done when you understand how to create great video productions using the tools at hand.

This course will be held at the Impact Center, 821 Word Plaza, Rocky Mount, NC, on Friday, February 21 from 9:30 to 5:30. Lunch is included.
The course is being taught by Kate Tsubata, the Communications Coordinator for the George Henry White Center in Clarkton, NC, and Mie and SunJae Smith of LightSmith Productions. This team has filmed interviews, documentaries and independent films on four continents and all over the United States.
"Our goal is to give every participant the tools to create powerful and effective video with whatever resources they have," explained Tsubata. "If you want to capture the Oral Histories of your community--or create a powerful visionary project--or pay tribute to the volunteers who make your work possible--videos can help you do that."
The day will include a virtual meeting, two weeks earlier, to help the learners craft a clear purpose for a video. On the day of the boot camp, they will help set up and strike professional set equipment. They will learn how to use lighting and camera placement to best tell the story. They will learn how to do action footage and to shoot with a steady tripod. They may experience using a steadycam or gimbal. They will learn how to operate a safe set, and they will learn how to ensure great interviews.
There is a "first come, first served" limit to participants, so if you wish to participate, you should sign up immediately. Registration can be done here: