May 31 was a big day at the George Henry White Center. Noted speaker and author Stedman Graham--a longtime supporter of the center--was in town to give a Commencement Address at the Classical Charter Schools of Whiteville graduation. He visited the center to present Kimberly Clewis representing International Paper with a Certificate of Thanks for their grant to equip the center with some of the software licenses and electronic projectors and screens and sound equipment that enable many of the educational, civic and cultural projects of the center.
Ms. Clewis toured the center with intern, Morgan Etheredge. They enjoyed a slide presentation by local superintendent Ocie Jones about the various stages of the renovation of the 100 year old farmhouse into a modern and functional venue. They viewed the computers used to prepare learners for work and home use, and to train people in the highly-marketable skills of computer networking and security.
Program coordinator Carol Caldwell, the former director of the Columbus County DREAM Center, was also on hand to greet Mr. Graham and Ms. Clewis and Ms. Etheredge. She shared some of the upcoming projects that are now being developed.
"Thank you, to Mr. Ocie, Mr. Graham, Ms. Carol and everyone at the GHW Center for the care you continue to put into such a special place," Ms. Clewis wrote. "Morgan and I enjoyed our visit. One of our goals at International Paper is to mobilize our people, products and resources to improve lives in the communities where we live and work. We are proud to support the George Henry White Center – it is obvious that establishing this community center has been a labor of love and true fellowship for this community and others. Thanks again!
"We are very grateful to International Paper Foundation for their financial grant, which helped pay for the software licenses for the 33 computers, and purchased the audio visual equipment as well," said Mr. Jones. "Many of the volunteers who helped establish the center are former or current employees of International Paper, so we feel that their support for a community center closes a circle. We thank you!"