Some 40 participants attended a virtual panel discussion on the life and impact of Congressman George Henry White that was hosted by the National Black Leadership Caucus Southeastern Region, Wilmington, North Carolina, led by Dr. Herbert Harris.
Among those who spoke were biographer Ben Justesen and GHW center project leader, Vince Spaulding. A slide show captured the evolution of the George Henry White Memorial Health and Education center, from a vacant century-old farmhouse into a modern and functioning community center.
Speakers compared the parallels in the noted congressman’s life to today’s civic climate, and highlighted the prophetic role he played in pointing out many of the persistent and toxic trends in our nation.
To create a living memorial of Congressman White, that preserves his story while enacting his lifelong commitment to empowerment and human development, the George Henry White center has been established and is a venue for education and opportunities in his birth area.
The slide show can be accessed here.
