Structural Engineer EB Pannkuk, president of Stature Engineering in Carolina Beach, North Carolina, has recently helped the George Henry White Center with the plans for the concrete slab and installation of the EcoJohn exterior restroom.
This promises to bring a new technology--high heat incineration of waste--to the Bladen and Columbus county areas. Conceived as a "People, Planet and Profit" Triple-bottom line project, the finished restroom will offer two handicap-accessible toilet rooms, hand sinks, in a climate-controlled exterior restroom that will be firmly anchored to a concrete slab and which will have a sloped ramp for full accessibility for all people.
With the help of George Henry White Center supporter, Kenneth Chestnut, Mr. Pannkuk helped us surmount the need for engineering drawings and the third party engineer's seal that are necessary for permits to be issued.
EB's history of service through structural work started early. He was in fifth grade when he started working on construction sites, a habit he continued through high school, eventually winning an appointment to West Point, where he earned his Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering, to be followed by his Master of Engineering degree later from University of Missouri. Upon graduation, he entered the Army Corps of Engineers, where he served for 8 years, supervising building design and construction for Fort Bragg, NC and Tazsar Airfield in Hungary.
Upon returning to North Carolina in 2007, he has worked on projects including marine construction, historic restoration, Residential and commercial buildings, bridges and highly specialized repair projects.
He served as president of the North Carolina Structural Engineers Association and has helped write the NC building code.
In a recent interview, EB discusses the unique needs for engineering for rural and underserved communities, and his reasons for contributing his services (as an in-kind donation) to the George Henry White project. Throughout the video, he refers to the qualities of integrity, faith and leadership that underlie his service and his professional approach.
We hope you enjoy the video, and share it with others. Many thanks to Ken Chestnut, EB Pannkuk and the Bladen county permitting office for helping us move this project through the stages of approval and the expected final installation.