The George Henry White
Memorial Health & Education Center

Operational Procedures and Standards
Acceptable Activities:
The GHW Center is a project of a non-profit 501c(3) organization, the Benjamin and Edith Spaulding Descendants Foundation. All programs and activities must be in alignment with the goals and purpose(s) of a non-profit organization.
The George Henry White Memorial Health and Education Center will operate exclusively for educational, literacy, charitable, or scientific purposes.
Examples of appropriate uses of the Center include, but are not limited to, the following:
•Serving as a memorial site for the late US Congressman George H. White in his birth county
•GED or similar preparation classes
•Computer classes
•Health Education classes
•Civic Meetings
•Toast Masters/Public Speaking
•Vaccination Sites
•Distribution Point for food programs such as a non-perishable Food Pantry or Meals on Wheels
Activities that may jeopardize the non-profit status of the Center will NOT be considered.
Fact sheet about leasing space at the George Henry White Memorial Center for Health and Education
Most rooms at the GHW Center are available for short term usage, with the exception of the Memorial museum room designated to educate the public about the life and legacy of the late US Congressman George Henry, who hailed from North Carolina.
In keeping with White’s legacy, all activities approved for use at the Center must be in keeping with its intended purpose: to educate and improve the lives of the citizens of Bladen and Columbus counties.
The Center is a non-profit organization and, as such, requests a financial donation for the use in order to assist with expenses associated with the maintenance and upkeep of the building and surrounding property.
At the conclusion of use, designated attendees must return the room to its former arrangement, empty all trash in the designated area, and return the key to the Superintendent’s representative who should arrive at the property on or around the close of your activity.
To request use of part of the center, apply below.