The George Henry White
Memorial Health & Education Center
George Henry White Memorial Health and Education Center
731 Farmer's Union Rd
Clarkton, NC 28433 (Bladen County)
From Route 74/76:
take the North exit (Hallsboro Road) and continue north until Rehoboth Church Road (Rt. 1726/4) turning right (Northeast) and go about 1.5 miles, past Mitchell Field Road. The name changes to Farmers Union Road at the Bladen county line. The center is on the right, 731 Farmers Union Road, Clarkton, Bladen County, NC 28433**
From 211, (Clarkton toward Bolton, NC):
Take a right onto Hallsboro Road (South), go 1.5 miles. At Porterville School Road, turn left (East) and go 1 mile. Turn right (South) on Farmers Union Road. After about a mile, you will see the GH White Center on your left.
GPS coordinates:
Latitude: 34.4328517
Longitude: -78.5914897
***This Address will not work in your Google maps, but it will work in Apple maps.
***For Google maps, try search by name: George Henry White Memorial Health and Education Center. It should take you to the right location, but check the map and photo against the map above.